Missing Meeting Delay Code for Part B Initial Evaluation
Error Description
If the Education Plan Type Code = 100 or 200
the Special Education Meeting Type Code = 10
the Student Age is > 3 years
the most recent SPED record in CALPADS has an Education Plan Type Code = 150
THEN the Meeting Delay Code must be populated.
Suggested Resolution
1) Verify all validated fields are populated,
2) If 14.20-Special Education Meeting Type Code = 10 AND the calculated student age* is >=3 years old AND the EXISTING 14.24-Education Plan Type Code (in CALPADS ODS) = 150, verify 14.23-Meeting Delay Code is populated in the submission file.
*see CALPADS Glossary: Meeting Date Student Age, Students with Disabilities (https://documentation.staging.calpads.org/Glossary/GlossaryMain/)
Fields Validated
02.18 - Student Birth Date
14.20 - Special Education Meeting Type Code
14.21 - Special Education Meeting Date
14.23 - Meeting Delay Code
14.24 - Education Plan Type Code
Headache Factor
Solution Rating