Invalid Student Age for Education Plan Type Code 100 (IEP) or 200 (ISP)
Error Description
If Education Plan Type Code = 100 (Individualized Education Program (IEP)) or 200 (Individual Service Plan (ISP)), then Student Age should be at least 2 years, 9 mos but less than 23 years.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the error: Students with Individualized Education Program (100) and Individualized Service Plan (200) code records should be at least 2 years and 9 months old and younger than 23 years old.
Verify that the birth date in the student demographics information corresponds with the birthdate in your Student Information System (SIS), if the age* is not between 2 years and 9 months and 23 update the student birthdate so that the student is accurately reported in the valid age range. If the student birthdate is correct and outside the age range, consider removing the IEP or ISP code from record. If the student recently turned age 23 close the SPED record with the appropriate end date.
*see CALPADS Glossary: Meeting Date Student Age, Students with Disabilities (https://documentation.staging.calpads.org/Glossary/GlossaryMain/)
Fields Validated
02.18 - Student Birth Date
14.21 - Special Education Meeting Date
14.24 - Education Plan Type Code
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