Student Age must be between 2-23 years for this Special Education Program Setting Code
SeverityFATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.
Error Description
If Special Education Program Setting Code equals 300 or 301, then Student Age must be at least 2 years, but less than 23 years.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the error: The Special Education Program Setting Code and Student Age must be a valid combination. A student in a Separate School (300) or Residential Facility (301) setting must be between the ages of 2-22.
Verify that the birthdate in the Student Demographics information corresponds with the birthdate in your Student Information System (SIS), if the age* is between 2-21 change the Special Education Program Setting Code. If the student’s birthdate is incorrect in the CALPADS ODS update the demographics record accordingly.
*see CALPADS Glossary: Amendment Date Student Age, Students with Disabilities (https://documentation.staging.calpads.org/Glossary/GlossaryMain/)
Fields Validated
02.18 - Student Birth Date
14.25 - Education Plan Amendment Date
14.31 - Special Education Program Setting Code
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