Invalid Student Race Code and Student Race Missing Indicator Combination
SeverityError Description
If one or more of the Student Race Codes are populated, then Student Race Missing Indicator must be equal to N or blank; ELSE, Student Race Missing Indicator must be equal to Y AND all Student Race Code values must be NULL.
Suggested Resolution
1) If at least one of the entries in the Student Race Codes should remain as a correct entry for the SSID, change the Student Race Missing Indicator to "N' or to blank to indicate that the Student Race Code is not missing in this record. OR 2) If none of the entries in the Student Race Codes should remain as a correct entry for the SSID, change the Student Race Missing Indicator to "Y" or to blank to indicate that the Student Race Code is missing in this record.
Fields Validated
2.26 - Student Race 1 Code
2.27 - Student Race 2 Code
2.28 - Student Race 3 Code
2.29 - Student Race 4 Code
2.30 - Student Race 5 Code
2.31 - Student Race Missing Indicator
Headache Factor
0046 - 46 - CALPADS - ERROR - FALL 1 - Invalid Student Race Code - Invalid Student Race Code and Student Race Missing Indicator Combination - SINF - SINF0046 - STUDENT - Student Information - Student Race Missing Indicator Combination
Solution Rating