Invalid Record Type
SeverityError Description
If Student Information Then Record Type Code must equal SINF, SIGR, SIDM, SIEL, SIST, SIAD
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error: A batch file was submitted without a valid Record Type. CALPADS requires a Record Type in order to determine the type of information being submitted. For an file that contains student demographics information, the Record Type is expected to be one of the following: SINF, SIGR, SIDM, SIEL, SIST, SIAD.
Things to check for in submission:
Verify that the field listed in the Fields Validated column is correct in the submitted file.
Suggested Resolution:
1) If the file being submitted is a Student Information file, verify that the Record Type field in the student information records contains appropriate record type. See for the "CALPADS File Specifications" document (Excel version).
Fields Validated
2.01 - Record Type Code
Headache Factor

0033 - 33 - CALPADS - ERROR - FALL 1 - Invalid Record Type - Record Type - Record Type Code - SINF - SINF0033 - STUDENT - Student Information
Solution Rating