School of Attendance is required for CPA and CTE Students
Error Description
If Education Program Participation Type Code = 10 (CPA) or 20 (CTE), then School of Attendance must be populated.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error: If Education Program Participation Type Code is CPA (10) or CTE (20), then School of Attendance must be populated.
Suggested Resolution: Verify that School of Attendance is populated if Education Program Participation Type = 10 or 20. If Education Program Participation Type Code = 30, then School of Attendance is not required, though data can be submitted.
NOTE: Independently Reporting charter schools should use the school number in both the "Reporting LEA" and the "School of Attendance" fields, e.g., PSTS^^^0117879^0117879^^etc.
Fields Validated
17.05 - School of Attendance
17.11 - Education Program Participation Type Code
Solution Rating