SPED student must have exited SENR record
SeverityFATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.
Error Description
If Education Program Participation Type Code = 30 (SPED), then a SENR record for the prior Academic Year with a valid Student School Completion Status or Student Exit Category must exist.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error: If Education Program Participation Type Code = 30 (SPED), then the student must have a SENR record for the prior Academic Year than the one submitted in the PSTS file and for the same Reporting LEA and with a School Completion Status Code = 100, 120, 250, 320, 330, or 360 or Student Exit Category = E125, E140, E230, E300, E400, E410, T260, T270, T280, T310, T370, or T380.
Suggested Resolution: Update the Academic Year in the PSTS record or submit a SENR record for the same Reporting LEA and with a School Completion Status Code = 100, 120, 250, 320, 330, or 360 or Student Exit Category = E125, E140, E230, E300, E400, E410, T260, T270, T280, T310, T370, or T380.
Fields Validated
1.26 - Student Exit Reason Code
1.27 - Student School Completion Status
17.07 - Academic Year ID
17.11 - Education Program Participation Type Code
Headache Factor