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CALPADS Update Flash #132

Dear LEA Representative:

The attached CALPADS Update FLASH #132 provides information about the following topics:

· Aligning Guidance Regarding When to Disenroll Truants to Support Practices to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropouts
o When should an LEA disenroll a student who has been enrolled and attending school and then becomes habitually truant and appears to have dropped out?
o Statutory steps for addressing truancy; exit options
o Are LEAs responsible for students who are expected to return the following school year, but who do not show up ("no shows")?
o When should a student be exited with E400 – OtherOrUnknown?
· Changes to CALPADS Field and Code Definitions to Support Guidance

A separate letter is being sent to your Superintendent or Charter School Administrator that discusses the same guidance contained in this Flash.

CALPADS Fall 1 Deadline Postponed!
District Boundary Navigator


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