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CALPADS System Documentation: Updates!


Coinciding with the May 9, 2017 CALPADS release, the following documents have been updated and are posted on the CDE CALPADS Web page at, under the System Documentation 

        • CALPADS File Specifications (v8.6) 
        • CALPADS User Manual (v8.5) 
        • CALPADS Error List (v8.9) 
        • CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures (v8.6)
        • CALPADS Data Guide (v8.6) 

CALPADS File Specifications v8.6 

CALPADS Code Sets (v8.6) 

The CALPADS Code Sets document is provided in Microsoft Excel format and contains the current code values referenced in the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) for the coded value data elements. The Code Sets document includes the Code Set Name, Coded Value, Name, and Description for each code value in the table. 

CALPADS File Specifications (v8.6) 

The CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) document includes an overview of the CALPADS file formats, an overview of the CALPADS data submission windows, a description of the document conventions, and a detailed outline of all CALPADS file formats. 

CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) (v8.6) 

The CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) Forms document contains the CFS file formats. This document is provided in Microsoft Excel format. CALPADS Extract Specifications (v8.6) The CALPADS Extract Specifications document is intended to assist local educational agency (LEA) staff in understanding the extract specifications of each of the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) extracts. The following extract types are described in detail: ODS, SSID, Candidate List, Replacement SSID, Rejected Records, Direct Certification, Suspense Resolution, and Assessment Results. 

CALPADS Valid Code Combinations (v8.6) 

The CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document is in Microsoft Excel format and defines the valid combinations between two or more code sets. 

CALPADS User Manual (v8.5) 

The CALPADS User Manual (v8.5) is located on the CDE CALPADS Web page under the System Documentation link. This document includes detailed information regarding how to use CALPADS, how to submit data, and how the system works. This document is also available within CALPADS under the Help menu. 

CALPADS Error List (v8.9) 

The CALPADS Error List (v8.9) is located on the CDE CALPADS Web page under the System Documentation link. This document provides a comprehensive list of errors for the SSID Enrollment (SENR), Student Information (SINF), Student Program (SPRG), Student English Language Acquisition (SELA), Student Discipline (SDIS), Student Waivers (SWAV), Staff Demographics (SDEM), Staff Assignment (SASS), Course Section (CRSE/CRSC), Student Course Section (SCSE/SCSC), Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) files, Multiple Identifier (MID) Errors, in addition to certification errors (Fall 1, Fall 2, End-of-Year [EOY] 1, EOY 2, EOY 3, and EOY 4) and Miscellaneous errors. Included in each list is the Error #, Error Name, Error Description, Level of Severity, Fields Validated, and Suggested Resolution as part of each error. A Release History section is included within this document to assist in locating the revisions in the current and prior releases. 

CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures (v8.6) 

The CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures (v8.6) is located on the CDE CALPADS Web page under the System Documentation link. The purpose of this document is to provide LEAs with direction and guidance on data submission practices and business rules for submitting, updating, and maintaining high quality data in the CALPADS. The CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures reflects CALPADS as currently operating and will be updated as necessary to reflect system changes. A Revision History section has been included to help identify revisions to future releases. 

CALPADS Data Guide (v8.6) 

The CALPADS Data Guide (v8.6) is located on the CDE CALPADS Web page under the System Documentation link. The purpose of this guide is to prepare local educational agency staff – staff who are responsible for data that are collected and maintained in local systems, such as student information, food service, special education, and human resources systems – for submission of required CALPADS data. The CALPADS Data Guide is structured to meet the needs of different LEA staff, and it is not expected that all staff will need to read the entire document. To support the intent of this guide to accommodate users with different needs, some redundancy of information exists within each chapter, allowing each chapter to stand alone. The CALPADS Data Guide reflects CALPADS as currently operating and will be updated as necessary to reflect system changes. 

These new/updated versions of the CALPADS System Documentation supersede previous versions of these documents.

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