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California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data Systems (CALPADS) is a data system used to maintain individual level data including student demographics, course data, discipline, assessments, staff assignments, and other data for state and federal reporting.

The California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) is used to maintain individual-level data including student demographics, course data, discipline, assessments, staff assignments, and other data for state and federal reporting.

The data collected as part of the Annual School Program Survey satisfies many of the District's local, state and federal reporting responsibilities, including the CALPADS data reporting mandates. In addition, the California Department of Education continues to consolidate many of its reporting requirements into CALPADS. CALPADS, however, is not a once-a-year reporting event, but rather a data collection system whereby information is reported throughout the school year. Thus, users can track students as they move from grade to grade, school to school, and as their program and demographic information changes. CALPADS requires three major data reporting submissions: Fall 1, Fall 2, and End-of-Year.
  •  Fall 1 data (student demographics, programs, grade levels, and school enrollment and exit) are certified in mid-December, but Fall 1 data are collected, verified, and reported to CALPADS throughout the school year. The certified data is a snapshot that captures all active enrollments on Count Day (first Wednesday in October). This certified snapshot is the basis for the school year’s official student enrollment, demographic and program information counts and rates.
  •  Fall 2 data (student course enrollments, teacher assignments and English Learner education services) are collected, verified, and reported to CALPADS, and certified in February. The certified Fall 2 data snapshot captures this information for students and certificated staff active on Count Day.
  • End-of-Year data (course completion for grades 7–12, CTE participation, program participation, student discipline, and CAHSEE waivers) are collected, verified, reported to CALPADS, and certified in July.
The data submitted to CALPADS are used for statistical, compliance, and funding purposes. The student enrollment data as of “count day” (the first Wednesday in October) provide the official number of students overall, and in each relevant subgroup (gender, ethnicity, race, educational program).  This information is also used to calculate graduation and dropout rates; and the number of English learners and reclassifications.  It is also used to determine funding for programs that serve migrant, gifted and talented, English learner, economically disadvantaged, foster, and homeless students, and the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) allocations. These data are used for audits, to assess program effectiveness, and to determine whether or not schools and the district have met state and federal achievement goals (API and NCLB’s AYP).  In addition, CALPADS provides student enrollment, demographic, and educational program data for the computer based Smarter Balanced testing program, and for the various paper and pencil testing programs (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, and so on).

This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
All California school districts use CALPADS.


CALPADS Into - Module A - Intro & Statewide Education Data Systems
CALPADS Basic Live Features, Navigation and User Management
CALPAD Data Privacy Training
CALPADS Fall 1 Overview
CALPADS End of Year Overview (For Beginners)