7 Mindsets
Product Details
Before learners can embrace education, they must be prepared to learn. We believe in providing resources for growth to students, educators, and all learners through mindset-based and mental health learning solutions. Our data-informed approach guides, and supports the well-being of all, creating measurable impact.
Student Data Privacy
Review the Common Sense Student Data Privacy Rating: https://www.commonsense.org/education/reviews/7-mindsets
7 Mindsets Privacy Policy: https://7mindsets.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/privacypolicy.pdf
Signed California Student Data Privacy Agreement? No
7 Mindsets Privacy Policy: https://7mindsets.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/privacypolicy.pdf
Signed California Student Data Privacy Agreement? No
A Flexible, Easy-to-use PreK-12 Curriculum
Crafted to streamline educators’ workload, our teacher-led PreK-12 digital curriculum offers engaging prompts, videos, and discussion guides. With built-in data Insights, educators can measure student progress while fostering student voice and engagement in every lesson.
7 Mindsets Tier 1 A mindset-based PreK-12 Tier 1 learning solution that supports life skills and character development through easy-to-implement and flexible teacher-led digital curriculum and including professional learning and coaching.
Base Tier 2 and 3 A mental health solution that provides personalized learning pathways for students, grade 1-12, needing Tier 2 and Tier 3 support.
Insights High-quality, proven measurement tools and surveys that guide students’ growth and development and measure progress over time.
Empowering Educators A powerful adult well-being platform that provides group and self-paced learning opportunities focused on helping educators connect, recharge, and rediscover the joy in teaching.
Professional Learning Wrap-around programmatic implementation support that prepares education teams to teach with the authenticity required to engage students, make critical connections, and foster the relationships needed to impact lives.
Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:
Support Options
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use 7 Mindsets*