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About SmarterApp

SmarterApp is a community of organizations devoted to collaboration on an open software suite for the support of educational assessment. The project is supported by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The initial participants are organizations involved in delivery of assessments to the Smarter Balanced member states. However, the software suite is suitable for a variety of other assessment subjects and contexts. We invite all interested parties to participate in developing or deploying the SmarterApp solutions.


The website is the hub of activity for the SmarterApp community. Presently it is the repository of specifications related to the SmarterApp assessment delivery platform. The collection will progressively grow into a complete set of specifications and, eventually, the full source code set. Likewise, at present, the site simply distributes content, but interactivity will grow to include feedback, discussion and eventually full collaboration on the codebase.

Source to the website is maintained on using GitHub Pages. Source code to SmarterApp applications is included in the same repository. We welcome enhancements or updates to the site submitted by the community.

About SmarterBalanced

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is a consortium of U.S. states and territories developing common assessments for English language arts and mathematics that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards.