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Expiration Rules For the CAASPP and ELPAC

Expiration Rules For the CAASPP and ELPAC, each test must be completed within a certain number of calendar days after the student logs on to the test for the first time. If a student’s test expires before the student is able to submit it, please contact the site or local educational agency (LEA) coordinator so that the coordinator may submit a Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System case for the test to be reopened. No tests can be reopened after the LEA’s testing window has closed. NOTE:  All expiration rules are in calendar days, not school days. The first day is the day that a student starts the test, performance task (PT), computer adaptive test (CAT), or domain.

15 Day Availability:

■ Smarter Balanced PT—ELA

■ Smarter Balanced PT—Mathematics


20 Day Availability:

■ Summative ELPAC— Speaking and Writing


30 Day Availability:

■ Initial ELPAC (all domains)

■ Initial Alternate ELPAC


45 Day Availability:

Smarter Balanced CAT— English language arts/literacy (ELA)

■ Smarter Balanced CAT—Mathematics

■ California Science Test (CAST)

■ California Alternate Assessments (CAAs)—ELA, Mathematics, and Science

■ California Spanish Assessment ■ Summative ELPAC—Listening and Reading