CAASPP Acronyms
Term | Meaning |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AIR | American Institutes for Research |
API | Academic Performance Index |
ASL | American Sign Language |
AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress |
BRF | braille-ready format |
CAAs | California Alternate Assessments |
CAASPP | California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress |
CALPADS | California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System |
CalTAC | California Technical Assistance Center |
CAPA | California Alternate Performance Assessment |
CAT | computer adaptive test |
CCC | California Community Colleges |
CCR | California Code of Regulations |
CCSS | Common Core State Standards |
CDE | California Department of Education |
CDS | county/district/school |
CMA | California Modified Assessment |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List |
CSTs | California Standards Tests |
CSU | California State University |
DBT | Duxbury Braille Translator |
DC | LEA CAASPP coordinator |
DFA | Directions for Administration |
DNS | domain name system |
EAP | Early Assessment Program |
EC | Education Code |
EL | English learner |
ELA | English language arts/literacy |
ELs | English learners |
ET | extended time |
ETS | Educational Testing Service |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
FQDNs | fully qualified domain names |
IAB | Interim Assessment Block |
ICA | Interim Comprehensive Assessment |
IEP | individualized education program |
Term | Meaning |
IHSS | Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System |
IP | Internet Protocol |
ISAAP | Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile |
JAWS | Job Access with Speech® |
LAN | local area network |
LEA | local educational agency |
Mbps | megabits per second |
non-PT | non–performance task |
NPS | nonpublic, nonsectarian school |
ORS | Online Reporting System |
PDA | personal digital assistant |
PPT | paper-pencil testing |
Pre-ID | pre-identification |
PRN | printer output file |
PT | performance task |
RBD | Refreshable Braille Display |
RLA | reading/language arts |
SBE | State Board of Education |
SC | CAASPP test site coordinator |
SEM | standard error of measurement |
SGID | School and Grade Identification sheet |
SoX | Sound eXchange |
SS | scale score |
SSID | Statewide Student Identifier |
SSO | Single-Sign On |
STAR | Standardized Testing and Reporting |
STS | Standards-based Tests in Spanish |
TA | test administrator |
TAM | Online Test Administration Manual |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TDS | test delivery system |
TE | test examiner |
TOMS | Test Operations Management System |
TSM | Technical Specifications Manual for Online Testing |
TTS | text-to-speech |
UAAG | Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines |
UI | user interface |