CAST Science Test
The California Science Test (CAST) is an online assessment based on the California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). All local educational agencies (LEAs) with eligible students in grades five and eight and in high school will administer the CAST operational test. The CAST operational test uses the current California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) test delivery system and will be administered online only.
Who takes the CAST operational test? The CAST is administered in grades five and eight and once to each student while that student is in high school. All students must take the CAST by the end of grade twelve, but have the option of testing in grade ten or grade eleven. Only eligible students may participate in the administration of the CAST. Students assigned to take an alternate assessment should take the California Alternate Assessment for Science.
The California Science Test (CAST) is an online assessment based on the California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). All local educational agencies (LEAs) with eligible students in grades five and eight and in high school will administer the CAST operational test. The CAST operational test uses the current California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) test delivery system and will be administered online only.
Who takes the CAST operational test? The CAST is administered in grades five and eight and once to each student while that student is in high school. All students must take the CAST by the end of grade twelve, but have the option of testing in grade ten or grade eleven. Only eligible students may participate in the administration of the CAST. Students assigned to take an alternate assessment should take the California Alternate Assessment for Science.
Who it measures:
All students in Grades 5, 8, and in either (10, 11, or 12th) Grade nine students are not eligible to take the science test. LEAs can elect to administer the science test to students in grade ten or grade eleven who have not taken the 2017–18 science test. Students in grade twelve who have not yet taken the science test will automatically be registered to take the test.
What it measures:
The CAST is an untimed, computer-based assessment that consists of six test segments. The first five segments may take students an average of 20 minutes each to complete. The sixth segment is a student survey of three to four questions. This first operational year will not be adaptive.
When is it administered?
The CAST summative science test is usually administered in late April through May of each year. The test takes at least 2 full hours to administer, with some students taking longer (the test is untimed).
How is the data used? / How to interpret student results?
Preliminary Indicator Levels
- 3: Student performance suggests a considerable understanding of the California NGSS
- 2: Student performance suggests a moderate understanding of the California NGSS
- 1: Student performance suggests a limited understanding of the California NGSS
The discrete items consist of predominately machine-scorable items;
–focus on the breadth of the performance expectations, or PEs, meaning that the stand alone items assess a wide-range of PEs; and
–are given to each student, who will receive between 32–47 discrete items.
The performance tasks, or PTs,
–consist of 4-7 items and students may receive two or three PTs
–These PTs focus on the depth of a few performance expectations.
So, students may receive between 44–60 total CAST items.
Roster Integration:
Student Roster list syncs automatically via CALPADS (allow 72 hours). Student names, grade levels, SSID#’ and program enrollment carry over, but not testing accommodations. They must be done separately. The IT and Data teams are responsible for troubleshooting roster issues.
Where is this information stored?
Test results are stored in the TOMS (Test Operation Management System) and can be downloaded from TOMS and stored in your district's assessment data warehouse system.