Physical Fitness Test
Physical Fitness Test
The Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is a comprehensive, health-related physical fitness battery of tests for students in California. The State Board of Education designated the FITNESSGRAM® as the PFT for students in California public schools. The test has six parts that show a level of fitness that offer a degree of defense against diseases that come from inactivity. The test results can be used by students, teachers, and parents.
The FITNESSGRAM® consists of six fitness areas: Aerobic Capacity, Abdominal Strength and Endurance, Upper Body Strength and Endurance, Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility, Body Composition, and Flexibility.The PFT is given to all students enrolled in a California public school in grades five, seven, and nine. Students with disabilities should be given as much of the test as each student’s physical condition permits.