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Below is a description of the new (2019/20) program codes for Language Instruction Programs in CALPADS.   CALPADS adopted these changes in July 2019 and they go into effect for the 2019/20 school year.  Previously, the instructional strategy code was "tagged" as a course characteristics.  It is no longer being collected at the course level, since some students may receive different instruction within the same class.  Now, for the 2019/20 school year, it has been moved to be associated with individual students.  They must also have a new program record.

More info from the listserv:

As described in Flash 163, in November 2016, California voters approved Proposition 58, also known as CA Ed.G.E. (California Education for a Global Economy, pronounced California “Edge”). The purpose of this initiative is to ensure that all children in California public schools receive the highest quality education, master the English language, and access high-quality, innovative, and research-based language programs that prepare them to fully participate in a global economy. More information on the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative, including links to the law and regulations, can be found on the CDE CA Education for a Global Economy Initiative web page at: Further information is provided in the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative Handbook for School Districts and County Offices of Education, available on the CDE website here:

 In response to this initiative Language Instruction Program codes were created to include not only program designed for English Learners to develop English, but also for English Only students to develop fluency in a second language in a specific program.  The best examples of this are probably Education Program code 301, in which an English Only student would be considered participating in the LIP, and 304, which may be a class or whole school in which all students are EO, but classes are taught in Spanish. See definitions below.  These are “programs” versus a foreign language “class.”


New Education Program Code

Name of New Education Program Code

Retired Instructional Strategy Code

Name of Retired Instructional Strategy Code


LIP – Developmental Bilingual Program


English Learner Bilingual Program


LIP – Dual-Language Immersion Program


Dual Language Immersion Program


LIP – Heritage or Indigenous Language




LIP – Newcomer Program (various models)




LIP - One-Way Immersion Program




LIP – Structured English Immersion Program or other predominantly English Language Instructional Models


Structured English Immersion/Other English Model


LIP – Transitional Bilingual Program


English Learner Bilingual Program


307 – LIP – Parent Opted Out of EL Program.


This code is defined as “The local educational agency (LEA) is not providing any instructional services designed for English learners because the parent of this English learner has opted this student out of EL services. The LEA maintains a record of the action to demonstrate the parents have chosen to opt out of such services.

Source:  Aeries Help Desk

LIP - Developmental Bilingual Program (CALPADS Program Code #300)

A language instructional program (LIP) designed for English learners which provides content instruction delivered in the students’ native language and English. The goals of this program are language proficiency and academic achievement in students’ first and second languages. The portion of the instructional day delivered in each language varies by the type of program. English learners receive instruction in designated and integrated English language development (ELD) based on the California (CA) ELD standards, and all students are provided grade-level content instruction based on the state-adopted academic standards.

LIP - Dual-Language Immersion Program (CALPADS Program Code # 301)

A language instructional program (LIP) designed for English learners and native English speakers, which provides content instruction delivered in the English learners’ native language and English. Goals include language proficiency and academic achievement in students’ first and second languages, and cross-cultural understanding. English learners receive instruction in designated and integrated ELD based on the state-adopted CA ELD standards. All students are provided grade-level content instruction based on the state-adopted academic standards. Dual-Language Immersion program models may include Two-Way Immersion, 50/50 Dual Immersion, 90/10 Dual Immersion, and other similar program models.

LIP - Heritage or Indigenous Language  (CALPADS Program Code # 302)

A language instructional program (LIP) in English and another language for non-English speakers or students with limited literacy skills in their first language. Indigenous language programs support endangered minority languages in which students may have limited receptive and no productive skills. Both programs often serve American Indian students. English learners receive instruction in designated and integrated English language development (ELD) based on the state-adopted CA ELD standards, and all students are provided grade-level content instruction based on the state-adopted academic standards.

LIP - Newcomer Program (Various Models) (CALPADS Proram Code # 303)

A language instructional program (LIP) designed for English learners who are new to the country with less than 12 months of schooling in the United States. This program provides instruction in designated and integrated English language development (ELD) based on the state-adopted CA ELD standards and grade-level content instruction based on the state-adopted academic standards. Instruction and/or support may be provided in the students’ native language. Program models vary. This program has clear entry and exit criteria, with goals and timelines defined.

LIP - One-Way Immersion Program (CALPADS Program Code # 304)

A language instructional program in English and another language for non-speakers of the other language, with the goals of language proficiency and academic achievement in English and the other language, and cross-cultural understanding. The portion of the instructional day delivered in each language varies by the type of program.

LIP - Structured English Immersion Program or other predominantly English Language Instructional Models (CALPADS Program Code # 305)

A language instructional program (LIP) designed for English learners in which nearly all classroom instruction is provided in English with curriculum and a presentation designed for students who are learning English. The goals of this program are language proficiency and academic achievement in English. Students receive instruction in designated and integrated English language development (ELD) based on the state-adopted CA ELD standards and grade-level content instruction based on the state-adopted academic standards. Some instruction and/or support may be provided in the students' native language. Program models in addition to Structured English Immersion may include English Language Mainstream, or other program models in which all or nearly all instruction is delivered in English.

LIP - Transitional Bilingual Program (CALPADS Program Code # 306)

A language instructional program (LIP) designed for English learners utilizing English and students’ native language for literacy and academic instruction, with the goals of language proficiency and academic achievement in English. Students typically transition to “English only” instruction by third grade. English learners receive instruction in designated and integrated English language development (ELD) based on the state-adopted CA ELD standards, and all students are provided grade-level content instruction based on the state-adopted academic standards.  




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