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Common Excel functions, categorized by their primary usage:

Mathematical and Trigonometric Functions

  1. SUM: Adds all the numbers in a range of cells.
  2. AVERAGE: Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers provided.
  3. SUMIF: Adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria.
  4. SUMIFS: Adds the cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria.
  5. AVERAGEIF: Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the cells specified by a given condition or criteria.
  6. AVERAGEIFS: Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria.
  7. COUNT: Counts the number of cells that contain numbers.
  8. COUNTA: Counts the number of cells that are not empty.
  9. COUNTIF: Counts the number of cells that meet a criterion; for example, to count the number of times a particular city appears in a customer list.
  10. COUNTIFS: Counts the number of cells that meet multiple criteria.
  11. MIN: Returns the smallest number in a set of values.
  12. MAX: Returns the largest number in a set of values.
  13. MINIFS: Returns the smallest number in a set of values, based on one or more criteria.
  14. MAXIFS: Returns the largest number in a set of values, based on one or more criteria.
  15. PRODUCT: Multiplies all the numbers given as arguments and returns the product.
  16. SQRT: Returns the square root of a number.
  17. POWER: Returns the result of a number raised to a power.
  18. MOD: Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor.
  19. ROUND: Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.
  20. ROUNDUP: Rounds a number up, away from zero.
  21. ROUNDDOWN: Rounds a number down, towards zero.
  22. TRUNC: Truncates a number to an integer by removing the fractional part of the number.
  23. CEILING: Rounds a number up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
  24. FLOOR: Rounds a number down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
  25. ABS: Returns the absolute value of a number.

Statistical Functions

  1. MEDIAN: Returns the median of the given numbers.
  2. MODE: Returns the most frequently occurring value in a set of data.
  3. STDEV: Estimates standard deviation based on a sample.
  4. STDEVP: Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population.
  5. VAR: Estimates variance based on a sample.
  6. VARP: Calculates variance based on the entire population.

Logical Functions

  1. IF: Returns one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false.
  2. AND: Returns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE.
  3. OR: Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE.
  4. NOT: Reverses the logic of its argument.
  5. IFERROR: Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, it returns the result of the formula.

Lookup and Reference Functions

  1. VLOOKUP: Looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table and returns a value in the same row from a column you specify.
  2. HLOOKUP: Looks for a value in the top row of a table or array and returns a value in the same column from a row you specify.
  3. INDEX: Returns the value of an element in a table or array, selected by the row and column number indexes.
  4. MATCH: Searches for a specified item in a range of cells and then returns the relative position of that item in the range.
  5. OFFSET: Returns a reference to a range that is a specified number of rows and columns from a cell or range of cells.
  6. CHOOSE: Chooses a value or action to perform from a list of values, based on an index number.
  7. INDIRECT: Returns the reference specified by a text string.
  8. TRANSPOSE: Returns a vertical range of cells as a horizontal range, or vice versa.

Text Functions

  1. CONCATENATE: Joins several text strings into one text string.
  2. TEXT: Formats a number and converts it to text.
  3. LEFT: Returns the first character or characters in a text string, based on the number of characters you specify.
  4. RIGHT: Returns the last character or characters in a text string, based on the number of characters you specify.
  5. MID: Returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify.
  6. LEN: Returns the number of characters in a text string.
  7. FIND: Finds one text value within another (case-sensitive).
  8. SEARCH: Finds one text value within another (not case-sensitive).
  9. UPPER: Converts text to uppercase.
  10. LOWER: Converts text to lowercase.
  11. PROPER: Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value.


This list covers many of the commonly used Excel functions. Depending on your specific needs, there are many other specialized functions available in Excel as well.

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