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Inclement Weather

During any weather emergency, keep a radio on for information, updates and travel advisories.

Storm, Tornado, Hurricane

If outdoors, stop all activities and seek shelter. If possible, avoid assembling or seeking shelter in gymnasiums, auditoriums or other structures with large, open roof spans.

  • Assemble in windowless rooms or hallways located in the center of the building and on the ground floor.
  • Close doors, windows and blinds.
  • If weather becomes severe enough, crawl under a sturdy table or desk and close eyes, clasp hands behind neck, and cover ears and head with forearms.
  • Report wet or broken electrical lines, or broken gas lines.
  • Be aware of hazardous debris and contaminated food and water.
  • Watch for or call for assistance.

Extreme Cold

  • Dress in several layers of warm, loose-fitting clothing. Remove extra layers when you feel too warm.
  • Stay indoors and stay dry. Conserve heat.
  • Close off unneeded rooms; cover windows with blankets; stuff rags or towels in cracks under doors.
  • Stay awake, but avoid exertion; and as you sit, keep moving your arms and legs to improve circulation.
  • Eat well balanced meals. Drink warm, sweet beverages to maintain body temperature. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, which will cause your body to lose heat more rapidly.
  • Be careful of the potential hazards of space heaters, fireplaces and candles. Never use a charcoal grill indoors. Ensure adequate ventilation if using a propane gas camp stove or heater indoors.
  • Recognize the symptoms of hypothermia: shivering/exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss or slurred speech, drowsiness, bright red/cold skin, loss of consciousness. If any symptoms are present, take the person’s temperature and begin warming the person: offer warm beverages; remove any wet clothing; warm the center of the body first; use skin-to-skin contact; wrap the entire body in blankets, including head and neck. Also administer CPR if the person is not breathing, even if there is no pulse. A TEMPERATURE OF 95 DEGREES OR LOWER IS A LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCY – DIAL 911.

Extreme Heat

  • Wear light-colored clothing and take advantage of shade and air conditioning whenever possible.
  • Limit outdoor activities and drink lots of water or other non-alcoholic and caffeine-free beverages.
  • DO NOT leave people or pets in vehicles with windows closed or only partially open.
  • Since hot weather increases fire hazard, be careful with possible sources of ignition.
  • Be aware of the symptoms of heat emergencies:
  • Heat cramps: Muscle cramps.
  • Get the person to a comfortable position in a cooler place. Lightly stretch the affected muscle. Give half glass of non-alcoholic, caffeine-free liquid every 15 minutes – drink slowly.

  • Heat exhaustion: Cool, moist, pale or flushed skin; heavy sweating; headache; nausea or vomiting; dizziness or exhaustion. Body temperature will be near normal.
  • Get the person to a comfortable position in a cooler place. Remove or loosen clothing and apply cool, wet cloths (towels or sheets) to the entire body. If the person is conscious, give half glass of non-alcoholic, caffeine-free liquid every 15 minutes - drink slowly. Watch carefully for changes in condition.
  • Heat stroke: Hot, red skin; changes in consciousness; rapid, weak pulse; and rapid, shallow breathing. Body temperature can be very high. Skin may be wet or dry.

Poor Air Quality or Smog

Limit or cancel outdoor activities.


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