Invalid Student Age for Transition Services in IEP Indicator
SeverityFATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.
Error Description
If Transition Services in IEP Indicator is populated, then student must be at least 13 years and 9 months old.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the error: The Transition Services in IEP Indicator cannot be populated for students younger 13 years and 9 months old. The field should be left blank for ineligible students.
Resolution: Verify the student’s birthdate in the CALPADS ODS student demographic record if the age* is correct remove the Transition Services in IEP Indication in the SPED Submission. If the age is incorrect update the birthdate in the student’s demographics record.
*see CALPADS Glossary: Amendment Date Student Age, Students with Disabilities (https://documentation.staging.calpads.org/Glossary/GlossaryMain/)
Fields Validated
02.18 - Student Birth Date
14.25 - Education Plan Amendment Date
14.39 - Transition Services in IEP Indicator
Solution Rating