Invalid age for IEP Includes Postsecondary Goals Indicator
SeverityFATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.
Error Description
If IEP Includes Postsecondary Goals Indicator is populated, then student must be at least 13 years and 9 months old.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the error: the IEP Postsecondary Goals Indicator cannot be populated for students younger 13 years and 9 months old. The field should be left blank for ineligible students.
Resolution: Verify the student’s birthdate* in the CALPADS ODS student demographic record if the age is correct remove the Postsecondary Goals Indication in the SPED Submission. If the age is incorrect update the birthdate in the student’s demographics record.
*see CALPADS Glossary: Amendment Date Student Age, Students with Disabilities (https://documentation.staging.calpads.org/Glossary/GlossaryMain/).
Fields Validated
02.18 - Student Birth Date
14.25 - Education Plan Amendment Date
14.36 - IEP Includes Postsecondary Goals Indicator
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