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CAASPP Update #221 August 30th, 2017


Postponement of Public Release of 2016–17 CAASPP Summary Results

 During the preview period of the 2016–17 CAASPP public Web reporting site, some local educational agencies (LEAs) identified a small number of cases in which test results did not appear to aggregate as expected to their district or charter school summaries. The CDE delayed the release of the statewide test results in order to investigate these reported cases. 

The issue impacts only the CAASPP public Web reporting site and the research files available from that site for 2016–17. Please be assured that the individual student achievement levels and scale scores that have been reported to your LEA or direct funded charter school are correct. 

Once we complete our analysis and the new release date is finalized, the information will be provided to LEAs along with details and timeline for accessing the embargoed Web site. LEAs will have an opportunity, before the public release, to review the state, county, district, and/or school CAASPP reports once again to verify that the anticipated results are displayed and that all schools in the LEA are included. 

Reminder: CAASPP Online Systems Resume September 5! 

The Labor Day holiday marks the end of the system downtime period for the transition to the 2017–18 CAASPP assessments! On Tuesday, September 5, the CAASPP online systems will resume operations and provide LEAs with the following: 

    • Access to the 2017–18 Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments—which include new and revised Interim Assessment Blocks—and hand scoring materials 
    • A brand-new Interim Assessment Reporting System, chock-full of data features, including item-level student responses and advanced grouping features, for 2017–18 results (Results from prior school years will appear in the new reporting system but will not be displayed in the same level of detail as results from the 2017–18 school year.) 
    • New accessibility supports available for both summative and interim assessments 

Questions regarding the 2017–18 CAASPP online systems should be directed to the California Technical Assistance Center by phone at 800-955-2954 or by e-mail at .

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