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Standard 6 - Developing as a Professional Educator 

Teachers reflect on their teaching practice to support student learning. They establish professional goals and engage in continuous and purposeful professional growth and development. They collaborate with colleagues and engage in the broader professional community to support teacher and student learning. Teachers learn about and work with families to support student learning. They engage local communities in support of the instructional program. They manage professional responsibilities to maintain motivation and commitment to all students. Teachers demonstrate professional responsibility, integrity, and ethical conduct.

6.5 - Engaging local communities in support of the instructional program 

As teachers develop, they may ask, “How do I…” or “Why do I…”

  • increase my understanding of the cultures and dynamics of my students' communities?
  • value and respect the students' communities and appreciate the role of community in student learning?
  • promote collaboration between school and community?
  • identify and draw upon school, district, and local community social service resources to benefit students and their families?
  • seek out and use additional resources from the local community and businesses to support student learning?
  • provide my students with community-based experiences that support their learning?
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