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Standard 4 - Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Teachers use knowledge of students' academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and individual development to plan instruction. They establish and articulate goals for student learning. They develop and sequence long-term and short-term instructional plans to support student learning. Teachers plan instruction that incorporates appropriate strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of all students. They modify and adapt instructional plans to meet the assessed learning needs of all students.

4.3 Developing and sequencing long-term and short-term instructional plans to support student learning

As teachers develop, they may ask, “How do I…” or “Why do I…”

  • design an instructional program that considers the long-term and the short-term?
  • use assessment results for long-term and short-term planning?
  • incorporate diverse subject matter perspectives in my planning?
  • select and sequence instructional strategies appropriate to the complexity of the lesson content and to student learning needs?
  • plan an instructional program that supports students' second language learning and diverse learning needs?
  • incorporate my professional expertise and knowledge of my students into a prescribed curriculum, pace, and district assessment calendar?
  • collaborate with colleagues to make instructional decisions?
  • design instruction so that students participate in setting and achieving their individual learning goals?
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