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Modernizing Your Approach to EdTech


The School Data Leadership Association is co-presenting a webinar on September 15, 2022 at 10 AM PST.  

TOPIC:  Modernizing Your Approach to EdTech: From Management to Optimization

DESCRIPTION:    Schools, districts and charter networks of every size are managing increasing numbers of edtech products - often with few dedicated resources and limited bandwidth. In this webinar, we'll sit down with Christopher Moggia, EdD, to discuss best practices every district can follow to drive more value from their edtech investments.

We'll cover six steps to update your approach to edtech management:

1. Document which edtech tools your students and teachers are using.
2. Understand district usage of edtech resources at a basic level.
3. Expose potential safety or privacy risks and uncover opportunities for improvements across your district.
4. Organize a district library of approved edtech resources.
5. Define clear requirements for your vendors on data sharing for evaluation purposes.
6. Build and execute a plan for analyzing your edtech investments to inform future instructional, operational and financial decisions.

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