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Coming Soon: An Online Resource to Help Parents/Guardians Better Understand their Child's California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Student Score Report 

In May 2016, the California Department of Education will launch the Web page, an online, interactive resource designed to provide parents/guardians with more insight into the information provided on their child's CAASPP Student Score Report. 

This will be a resource parents can use to support their child's academic achievement and progress. On Web page, parents/guardians will be able to: Access resources about the Common Core State Standards. Read about what their child is learning, by grade and subject. Become familiar with the overall layout and terminology of the CAASPP Student Score Reports. 

Understand their child's overall score and achievement level, as well as their performance level in a particular area (e.g., reading, writing, listening, etc.). Access sample test questions that their child likely answered correctly, at their given achievement level. Discover answers to frequently asked questions about the Smarter Balanced tests and the CAASPP Student Score Reports. 

The Web page at is scheduled to launch in late May 2016 so please check back soon! In the meantime, you can visit the California Department of Education's CAASPP Student Score Report Information Web page at for useful resources.

CARS NewsFlash #49


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