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CALPADS Update FLASH #117 provides information about the following topics:

System maintenance on June 30

End-of-Year submission window reminder and tips

Special Education Discipline Data Used for Federal Reporting

Tips for submitting EOY 3 discipline data to ensure that CASEMIS and CALPADS data are aligned

Ensuring Correct Submission of Homeless Data in CALPADS

Title I Part A school-wide status

April 2016 CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM) posted on the Web

“View only” feature — update


The system maintenance on June 30 included a few changes for the 2016–17 school year: 

  • SENR0012 (Invalid Student Age) severity changed from a warning to fatal.
  • SENR0227 will properly use the Valid Code Combo table, Grd Lvl – Completion
    Status to restrict use of Completion Status Code 480
  • Student Program user interface includes additional filters for LEA and school 


The 2015–16 End-of-Year (EOY) initial submission deadline is July 15, 2016. Local educational agencies (LEAs) are expected to certify all EOY submissions that display on the certification screen, even if the counts are zero (e.g., a K–8 elementary LEA that does not offer departmentalized courses should still certify EOY 1). Please review certification reports carefully, since there are very few fatal certification errors to check regarding whether data are complete. 

Special Education Discipline Data Used for Federal Reporting

The discipline data submitted to CALPADS for special education students for the EOY 3 submission will be used to meet federal Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reporting requirements. In prior years, data submitted to the California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS) were used to meet these requirements. To facilitate the review of these data, CALPADS includes three new certification reports that display the data that will be submitted to the federal government. LEAs should carefully review these reports, in addition to the existing certification reports (with the Special Education filters applied) prior to certifying, and should be prepared to provide their Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) with a copy of all of the discipline certification reports for their review. For more information on discipline data, refer to the CALPADS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) EOY Topics, posted on the CDE CALPADS Frequently Asked Questions Web page at: 

Tips for submitting EOY 3 discipline data to ensure that CASEMIS and CALPADS data are aligned

When preparing data for the CALPADS EOY 3 Student Discipline data submission, the following types of student offenses should be reported: 

 For special education students:
- Offenses associated with Education Code Sections 48000 and 48915 

 For regular education students: 

- Offenses associated with Education Code Sections 48000 and 48915 that resulted in a removal of the student from their regular instructional setting for one full day or more 

- Do NOT report offenses (even if they are associated with Education Code Sections 48000 and 48915) if they did NOT result in a removal of the student from their regular instructional setting for any duration. Example: Student was arguing on the playground with another student and the student receives lunchtime detention. This incident should NOT be reported to CALPADS, because it did not result in a removal from the student’s regular instructional setting. 

Ensuring Correct Submission of Homeless Data in CALPADS 

In 2014–15, many LEAs did not submit student program (SPRG) records for their homeless students. Consequently, this significantly lowered the count of homeless students statewide and could potentially impact the amount of federal funding that California receives overall to address the problem of homelessness. The California Department of Education (CDE) is asking LEAs to work with their CALPADS LEA Administrators and district homeless liaisons to ensure that data for all students who were homeless in the 2015–2016 academic year are reported. This means that a student program (SPRG) record must be submitted with dates that overlap the 2015– 2016 academic year for each homeless student. After updating the information, Certification Report 5.4 - Homeless Students Enrolled - Unduplicated Count by School and supporting Report 5.5 - Homeless Student List should be reviewed, to ensure that the counts look accurate, prior to certifying the data. 

If you do not know who your LEA’s homeless liaison is, a list of homeless education liaisons can be found on the CDE Homeless Education Web page at: 


LEAs are required to certify a school’s Title I status in the Consolidated and Application Reporting System (CARS) as part of the Title I, Part A Notification of Authorization of Schoolwide Program data collection. A school’s Title I status is certified as either Targeted Assisted Status (TAS) or Schoolwide Program (SWP). This information is loaded in CALPADS and is used to pre-populate information on Certification Report 5.1 – Program Participants – Count. 

For LEAs that have not certified these data in CARS, CALPADS will reflect the school’s status as TAS. In order to certify accurate data in EOY 2, LEAs receiving Title I Part A funding should review their 2015–16 data in CARS as soon as possible, so that CALPADS reflects the correct Title I Part A funding and TAS/SWP status for each school. CALPADS is updated with CARS data on a weekly basis. 


The CDE has published the April 2016 CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM) recording as a YouTube video. You can find a link to the video on the CDE CALPADS Communications Web page at under the Webinars and Presentations heading, or on the CSIS website under the Events page under the Past Events at,-2016--- CALPADS-Information-Meeting-(CIM).aspx 


The “View Only” feature in CALPADS will be delayed and will not be available in 2016– 17. To facilitate the implementation of the “View Only” functionality and to accommodate the eventual transition of CASEMIS data to CALPADS, a revision of the CALPADS security model must first be implemented.This change is currently scheduled for the end of 2016–17. 

CAASPP Update # 161 - July 6, 2016
CAASPP Update #159


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