CAASPP Update # 161 - July 6, 2016

Focusing on the CAASPP System, including the Smarter Balanced assessments—a major component of CAASPP—and the California Alternate Assessments and science assessments.

Updated Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines

The Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines document has been updated for the 2016–17 CAASPP administration. Among the changes are two new resources:

- Simplified Test Directions (non-embedded designated support)

- 100s Number Table (non-embedded accommodation)

In addition, the recommendations on the use of scratch paper (non-embedded universal tool) now include the use of a whiteboard and marker as well as low-tech assistive devices for taking notes. Internet access must be disabled on assistive technology devices and, where appropriate, separate setting may be used to maintain a secure testing environment.

Mailing of Student Score Reports to Parents

California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 863 requires that local educational agencies (LEAs) mail the Student Score Reports to parents or guardians within 20 working days after they receive the printed reports from Educational Testing Service. The exception to this requirement applies when an LEA receives the printed reports after the last day of instruction, in which case it must mail the reports within the first 20 working days of the next school year.

Schools must maintain each student's results (print and/or electronic) in the student's permanent records.