By Chris Moggia on Wednesday, 11 July 2018
Category: What's New

CAASPP Update - July 11, 2018

Notes on the ELPAC

-  The Initial ELPAC administration window opened on July 1.
-  The Local Scoring Tool (LST) became available in the Test Operations and Management System (TOMS) on July 9.
-  The Initial ELPAC data file layout will be posted on the ELPAC Test Administration web page by July 13.
-  The Initial ELPAC preliminary score sheet and instructions as well as the conversion tables will be posted in TOMS by July 13. They are available for optional summer use by local educational agencies (LEAs) that choose to wait until fall to enter raw scores in the LST.

"Understanding Your Student Score Report"—in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Vietnamese—is now available on the ELPAC Resources web page of the ELPAC website. It provides parents and guardians with an explanation of their child's Summative ELPAC score report.

In addition, LEAs are reminded that non-scorable Summative ELPAC materials must be returned to Educational Testing Service (ETS) as soon as possible. Non-scorable test materials are not to be shredded locally. If your LEA shredded the test materials, please submit an ELPAC Testing Irregularity and Security Breach Form, available on the ELPAC Test Administration web page, and email the form to ETS at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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